Saturday, February 17, 2007

Improved short-sightedness

I've been short-sighted ever since primary sch...not too sure when it started...but when it was detected at the age of power was a few hundred on the right side...and perfect on the left side...hence, I always felt I have perfect eye sight :P

A set of specs was made which I still never wore since I could see everything clearly :P

Finally in 1996, when I was at my peak of my competitive tennis "career"...I decided it's better to have good eye sight on both eyes...otherwise games in the evening tend to be quite a problem :P power was 400 on the right and 0 or 50 on the I got contact lense on 1 side only..hehe :D

After I started to use the contact lense for a year or left eye start to "balance" itself with the right eye...hehe...
So I switched to specs...since I hated the contact lense :P

From then power just kept climbing every year I went for a check up...
So I get new specs every year!! :P

Anyway, it continued to climb until early last was 550 on the right, and 350 on the left...told u the left one was trying to balance with the right ;)

After I started taking Lifepak (multivitamin/mineral and antioxidant supplement) for a few power actually dropped to 500 and 300...
I added g3 (a high antioxidant health drink)...and has dropped further to 475 and right!!
...and I now read a lot more on the bed...haha :P

Maybe if I stop reading on the eye sight will perfect itself in a year or so :D

Check out the graph of how my power has increased over the the record from my optometrist :D

Lifepak and g3 rocks!! :D


penguin said...

Dear Nic..

Do i know u?
anyway, email me at

thanks ;)

Anonymous said...

Hello JO Lene,

It is me, Iqbal (indian guy from sydney, we met in PSWC amsterdam). Well this is story about ur eye slight? Very interesting though.

Not sure how this blog n comments work so i rather keep my wiritings short.

Do reply if u happen to get this. And keep in touch

Take care

penguin said... is indeed interesting to see how something other than medicine can do a lot for our we as pharmacist shld really look into helping others thru supplements too instead of drugs only...after all, the patients are more interested to look into supplements ;)

anyway, let me know if u ever plan to visit s'pore ;)