Hmm...let me see...I think 2 is a lucky no. for me :D
I have gone back to Penang twice...including the time I went back for CNY :P
I have attended 2 weddings...both weddings I know the bride and pair from KR..the other pair from SGH :)
Ronald and Vivien has been together forever...since b4 my first year in hall...glad to see they r finally married :D
Meanwhile...proud to say I'm part of the matchmaking group for TG and PL...hehe...basically we just tease them all the time while we were in outpatient pharmacy...and well...apparently our talkativeness (i.e. not paying attention) while TG was discussing various topics with us got his attention on the only gal that paid attention...hehe...
I have also participated in 2 swimming related charity event at NTU on a wed...swam 3k...and the S'pore Biathlon that same week's sat...swam 1.5km and din run :P
I have only exercised twice...not counting the 2 events I participated in...hehe...I know some tigger would just say I'm a slacker :P
Anyway, I swam once and ran once...ran ard my home...and found out there's a Sheng Shiong McNair discovery after staying here for more than 2 years!!
I have also found a couple of long lost secondary school classmates in S'pore!! One staying just a couple road from me!! More to be found soon :D
I was "arrowed" to do an oral presentation of my QSAR paper..2nd presentation on it in this 2 months...well being "arrowed" is not bad lah...that meant I was assured of a chance to win some prize money :D
Unfortunately I din bribe the judge we ended up with a tie..
Come to think of it...I have 2 presentations this month...hehe...lucky no. 2...
I have gotten 2 compounds out...actually these r the only 2 since last wonder I'm stressed out...need more compounds out for testing b4 I go to Amsterdam!!
Since the no. 2 seem to be good for me...I shall try to get 2 tertiary amines and 2 esters out...sure hope they r not as much of a problem as the primary amine!!
Amine and ester I hope to synthesize :D
Problematic primary amine I need for the amido and ureido analogues