I haven't posted anything for more than a month!!
I can't stop scratching away!! argh...it's not even itchy...
I feel totally lost when I dun have that little notebook of mine with all things I plan to do or discuss in it...
The list of things I need to do seem to be getting out of hand :P
I can't figure out how to purify that stupid primary amine and I need it to synthesize a couple of other compounds...time to move on to something else first...b4 I kill myself or someone else :P
My boss is expecting some compounds out b4 I leave for Netherlands mid next month...I sure hope my new strategy will work *keeping fingers crossed*
My room is in a mess again...well I wonder is that the cause of stress or the result of it...hmmm...chicken n egg...
My BP gets quite high...esp at night...I need more Relaxation formula?
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