Tuesday, August 02, 2005

KR alumni BBQ

The BBQ last sat nite at KR was great!!!

Food was ok..nothing special...but it was great to see quite a number of laolangs!!
The oldest laolang (by batch) and the only one from his batch was...Kum Chuen...hehe...he was asked to give a motivational talk to the freshies and he got us to sing the KR anthem...those from older than my batch (which was Godwin and Shin only...Wei Tee, Jayce and Shiyin were lucky to have siamed it..haha) ended up singing with the hand action...luckily my batch onwards, we dun do that anymore *phew*

Think all the JCRC presidents from Kum Chuen's year onwards were there...Godwin, Larry, Qinghuan, Vincent...hmm...all tall guys...
Talking about tall guys...E4 was there too!!! Qinghuan, Vincent, Hongfeng, Chin...
The other laolangs I remembered seeing were...Mavis, Silin, Chin Xinyi, Wanlyn aka neighbour, Siew mai, Pearlyn, Junwei, Pengfei, Ryan, Elwin Boo (wow...haven't seen u for so long!!!)...and other blocks ones...Weeliam, Nicholas Tay, Aimay, Lionel and many more...can't remember liao ;P

So much has changed since I stayed in KR during my first year...location has changed, all the RFs and master have changed, caterer has changed? hehe, and of course, the residents are different...but one thing that'll never change is us...once a Kentridgean always a Kentridgean...sounds like the good night song...hehe

Year came, year past
Many things have changed
Once was there, now is gone
Once was empty, now is filled

What the new sights and sounds may be
There's one thing that'll never change
A family, that's what we are
Your burden is mine to carry
And your joy is mine to share
Together we have laughter
Together we have tears
'cause your my brother, and your sister
And we are family!!!

After the BBQ, some of us went on to Fong Seng for a drink and chat...reminizing on those good old days :)

Till we meet again...Rag day this weekend?..or is there a Rag preview?

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