Sunday, March 05, 2006

Do I need to look older?

The not so subtle signs ppl think I'm much younger that I actually am...

1) At the age of 17, I was charged children's price (i.e. under 12 price) when I went for a buffet dinner with my parents...

2) At the age of 24, I had my IC checked when I went to watch an NC-16 movie with my frens!!! OMG!!! Well...maybe it's not really as bad as the following one...

3) Recently...on 2 separate occasions...I was woken up by 2 separate nice fella...on bus 151...when we reached the secondary school just b4 the bus turns into NUS...pointing at the secondary school...
Does that mean I can still pass off as a 16 year old or younger?

The more subtle signs...

1) Ppl ask u how old u r when u r at work in the pharmacy...or they just comment that u r very young...or they just ask ur pharmacy assistants how come the pharmacist look so young :P

2) Ppl dun give a second thought when u tell them u r a student...well...technically I'm :D

3) At the age of 24, ppl kinda look at u weirdly when u r in casino...that was in Vegas...ang mohs tend to look older rite :P

So wat do u think?


Anonymous said...


looking young is a bless fr nature..

many ladies spend tons of money to
look young...
u dun need too .... ;)

Renohtaram said...

yeah, treasure ur youthfulness while you can...dont wait till u reach my age, then regret... :p

penguin said...

congratulation renoh!!!
U just proved my point!!!

P.S. I'm the same age as u...

Buckies said...

YAH LOR ...i want pple to check my IC for M-18 movie oso dun hv ;p ...u better treasure your youthfulness...hehehe ...

penguin said...

buckies: wah...why u want ppl to check ur IC?
btw, din know got M-18 movies one...looks like i haven't been to the cinema for too long?